Monthly Archives: October 2016

Adopt a Sister!

Help Educate the Sisters

Can you find an Organization or Family to Adopt a Sister in studying for her degree in Nigeria?  $2,000 US would cover living expenses for one year or fees.

Srs Mary Martha (l) and Margaret (r)

Srs Mary Martha (l) and Margaret (r)

Sr. Mary Martha Mbah is in her third year at Veritas University ( thanks to an anonymous donor. Besides carrying a full schedule, Sr. Mary Martha attends St Martin De Porres parish every week-end to lead faith formation for children at religion classes and children’s liturgy as well as develop an empowerment sewing project for women. Sr. Mary Martha has developed a Sunday worship guide for children that she is marketing to several parishes in Abuja; this is new to the churches which may have as many as 500 children for Sunday Mass.

Sr. Lydia Agba

Sr. Lydia Agba

Sr. Lydia Agba began her 3 years at Veritas University this fall with the help of a scholarship  from Catholic  colleges  in PA   Sr. Lydia  initiated the Mary Schutz Women Empowerment Project seven years ago. While studying, Sr. Lydia is developing her connections with organizations serving women who have been caught in trafficking.  She hopes to develop her skills to better serve.




Sr. Jane Nwachukwu

Sr. Jane Nwachukwu

Sr. Jane Nwachukwu has been serving at the Archdiocese of Abuja Development for Peace and Justice Office where she touched the lives of prisoners and internally displaced persons (Nigerian refugees) living in camps around Abuja. She has been given a scholarship to continue her study of law to prepare her for work in peace and justice projects. She begins her studies at Nile University in Abuja.


Sr. Sylvia Etim

Sr. Sylvia Etim

Sr. Sylvia Etim has served the past ten years as religious educator and church secretary at two parishes in Abuja. She will work towards completing her degree at Veritas University.






Sr. Calista and Sr. Helen, Little Angels School

Sr. Calista and Sr. Helen, Little Angels School

Sr. Calista Iwu has served as principal of Little Angels School in Ichama, Benue State since its beginning 5 years ago. In addition to her overwhelming responsibilities at school, Sr. Calista is working on her Masters degree in administration.



PLEASE CONTACT SR. ROSEMARIE AT HVM in DETROIT if you can adopt any of our Sisters for a year.